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HJARK is a full-service architectural studio located in Iceland. Led by Hulda Jónsdóttir architect FAÍ

The studio has been working on projects from residential and commercial architecture, kindergartens, landscape, and city planning, focusing on creating high-quality innovative design and architectural solutions for you. Look outside the box - be the future.

HJARK is committed to introducing people to an entirely new and exciting side of architecture and design, where rules can be broken and spaces can be sexy and vibrant, with an eye for detail and a focus on creating spaces with expression. Getting to know the client and understanding how they use their spaces is vital. The results always reflect the sharp sense of style and eye for beauty with functionality, as well as each client's individual personality and lifestyle. 

HJARK is the first in Iceland to offer parametric and information-driven design and innovation in architecture - addressing a project's sustainable and environmental needs and maximizing its potential. You are in the right place if you dare to take your project to another level. 



HJARK býður upp á alhliða þjónustu á sviði arkitektúrs og skipulags, hönnunar úti sem og inni.

Huldajonsdóttir er stofnandi og eigandi HJARK, Hulda er löggildur Arkitekt FAÍ síðan 2019.

Hulda lærði arkitektúr í Frakklandi, á Spáni og í Kaupmannahöfn og hefur starfað fyrir arkitektastofur á Íslandi, Frakklandi, London og Kaupmannahöfn.

Hulda var meðal annars starfandi hjá BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group) í Kaupmannahöfn áður en hún stofnaði HJARK á Íslandi 2019.

HJARK er fyrst á íslandi til að bjóða uppá upplýsinga-stýrða hönnun í arkitektúr. Þar sem notast er til dæmis við veður-upplýsingar til að finna bestu mögulegu hönnunina þar sem upplýsingarnar eru teknar inn í hönnun á frum stigi í stað þess að bæta þeim við í lok verks. Þar með er lögð áhersla á sjálfbærum og umhverfislegum þörfum verkefnis.  

HJARK leggur ríka áherslu á nýsköpun í fallegum sem og praktískum lausnum. 

Sendu mér línu og ég hjálpa þér að gera hugmynd að veruleika


I'm Hulda Jónsdóttir, an Architect FAÍ registered.

Founder and owner of HJARK.

Worked for BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group in Copenhagen and moved to Iceland to set up HJARK in the fall of 2019.

Graduated from CITA at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture in Copenhagen, with an MA in architecture and an award in innovation in architecture.

Graduated from the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia IAAC in Barcelona MAA in Research and Innovation in architecture and urban planning - smart cities.

Bachelor degree in architecture from ENSAS, École Nationale Supérieure d'architecture de Strasbourg, France.

I speak Icelandic, English, French, Danish and Spanish and can, therefore, take on projects in any of these languages.

I would love to hear from you and help you with your BIG and SMALL project.

I will provide you with a smart, beautiful and functional solution. 

HJARK - Hulda Jóns Arkitektúr ehf - Urriðaholtsstræti 26, 210 Garðabær, Ísland                         00354 8650649

@2018 All right reserved to Huldajons Architecture ehf, 

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